Property Valuation

Property Valuation

Please enter the information for the property you would like to conduct valuation. Click HERE to look for the data about different features of the property if you are not sure about them. [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id=”6″]

Mortgage Calculation

Mortgage Calculation


User Guide

User Guide

1) Property Valuation The value of your ideal flat in Laguna City can be calculated. Step 1: Please enter the information (gross floor area, floor level, age, sea view, garden view and presence of roof) of your ideal flat. If

Design Concepts

Design Concepts

1) User-friendly It is important to provide a-user friendly website for users to use our website.  Therefore, the header and footer of the website indicates the pages that the website provides.  The Home of the website is in simple layout,

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Error Handling

Error Handling

Updating procedures Given information up to time T, the published index values are {`P1, … , `PT}. So when time T+1 arrives, the newly estimated index values are {`P1, … ,`PT,`PT+1}. Keeping all the previous index values, newly estimated index

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