We offer instant and accurate valuation for Sun Tuen Mun Centre. Just input the basic information and get your valuation.
Valuation & Advisory
Accurate valuation is critical to a successful investment. We provide valuation services for Sun Tuen Mun Centre to help you make better investment decision and more secured mortgage. [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id=”6″]
Price Index of Sun Tuen Mun Centre
Our price index indicates the price movement of Sun Tuen Mun Centre. We made use of a sophisticated mathematical model and the latest transaction data to ensure that our price index is an accurate reflection of the value of properties
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Should you have any enquiry or feedback, feel free to contact us. Our real estate experts are here for you. Address: 5/F, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Tel no: +852 2222 2222
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Sun Tuen Mun Centre
Sun Tuen Mun Centre is a private estate in Tuen Mun South District. It was developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties in 1990 and is one of the constituent estate of the Centa-City Leading Index. It consists of ten 44
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A simple and user-friendly valuation website. I can get an accurate valuation of my property simply by inputting the basic information of my flat. The staffs were patient and friendly as well!
Useful tool for Investment
This website is extremely useful for securing a mortgage as it gives a quick and accurate valuation in simple steps.